
Sick of getting stiffed on glu gold payouts

WmCWmC Registered Users 218 Posts
I go through all the aggrivation of downloading and reviewing really pathetic games only to rarely see the gold payout. Likely getting only 1/3 of the applications paying out. Also, The only offers with a decent gold offered require some really sensitive personal info and/or credit card #. Like I really trust this game enough to give these people sensitive info and likely only see an id theft.


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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    WmC wrote: »
    I go through all the aggrivation of downloading and reviewing really pathetic games only to rarely see the gold payout. Likely getting only 1/3 of the applications paying out. Also, The only offers with a decent gold offered require some really sensitive personal info and/or credit card #. Like I really trust this game enough to give these people sensitive info and likely only see an id theft.

    We actually have no control or visibility into SponsorPay/Tapjoy promotions. If you aren't receiving your gold you should contact them. Many users have reported success going through their redemption/dispute channels.
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    stresspointstresspoint Registered Users 8 Posts
    gluadmin wrote: »
    We actually have no control or visibility into SponsorPay/Tapjoy promotions. If you aren't receiving your gold you should contact them. Many users have reported success going through their redemption/dispute channels.
    Maybe you (glu) should take a little better care in who/how promotions are done within your game.
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    I have taken advantage of over 20 promotions and only didn't receive my gold once. And the one time I didn't receive mg gold it was fixed by Tapjoy.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    WmCWmC Registered Users 218 Posts
    Maybe the disconnect in gold payouts is os/platform related. I am running android 4.3 on a galaxy note 2. The payout ratio seems to be getting worse with time. I got a lot better payout performance a few weeks ago when I first started collecting the bonuses.
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Android uses sponsor pay and ios uses tapjoy. I am on android. Another game I play uses tapjoy for their offers. I have had issues getting payouts from sponsor pay, but tapjoy seems much better at giving what is earned. I gave up on sponsor pay because of this.
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    WmCWmC Registered Users 218 Posts
    That is good to know. Thx much. Maybe identifying the differences will help glu in building a better working interface with sponsor pay since success in the glu games seem to be heavily dependent on users collecting enough gold credits to make necessary upgrades. However, it is in their intrest that they provide only minimal sponsor support since they make real money on the sale of the same gold credits, clearly a conflict of interest.
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