
Upgraded Shotguns

Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
This is a list of shotguns in the game, all that can be purchased with hunter bucks are listed. Infrared is not listed as it is a gold upgrade. Also, reload time and fire rate does not change with upgrades so they are not listed. If a list of rifles is desired it can be found at the link. http://ggnbb.glu.com/showthread.php?93473-Upgraded-rifles

The Jolly Shot: Holiday hunt weapon. Max level 5 Power 2167 Stability 65% Zoom x15.2 Capacity 16
Grantham Swordfish: Max level 5 Power 323 Stability 84.3% Zoom x5.2 Capacity 16
Clayton Raptor: Max level 5 Power 472 Stability 85.4% Zoom x6.6 Capacity 13
Maginot Marauder: Max level 5 Power 689 Stability 86.1% Zoom x8 Capacity 13
Maginot Maul: Max level 5 Power 1010 Stability 87.6% Zoom x8.6 Capacity 13
Western Vanguard: Max level 7 Power 1480 Stability 95.8% Zoom x10.2 Capacity 11
Hauer Thunderclap: Max level 7 Power 1630 Stability 95.8% Zoom x10.6 Capacity 13
Clayton Commando: Max level 7 Power 2165 Stability 96.4% Zoom x11.6 Capacity 11
G&H Trench: Max level 7 Power 3172 Stability 100% Zoom x12.8 Capacity 11
Westin Exterminator: Max level 7 Power 3488 Stability 100% Zoom x12.8 Capacity 13
Maginot Beach: Max level 7 Power 4645 Stability 100% Zoom x12.8 Capacity 11
Hauer Scythe: Max level 7 Power 5108 Stability 100% Zoom x12.8 Capacity 13
Plisskin Mamba: Max level 7 Power 6799 Stability 100% Zoom x12.8 Capacity 11
Gripton Barricade: Max level 7 Power 7481 Stability 100% Zoom x12.8. Capacity 13


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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    Had a funny one just now. It occurred to me that I'd never seen an injured jackal, so when a hunt came up in region 7 I checked the specs and the gun recommended was a 2162 power shotgun. I then equipped the Westin Vanguard (1480 power) and went a huntin'. I aimed the gun at the first 3 jackals to come running out and killed all 3 with one shot!
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Yeah it is ridiculous how easy it is to kill some things in the game. Many pistols drop things they shouldn't, or seem they shouldn't. Region 7 still holds toughest targets for their resilience
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    I did manage to injure some by using a 691 power shotgun, so it is possible.
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Added region 9 guns. Link to assault rifles/pistols
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