
Still hanging on "Glu man"

I understand that Reion 9 is now unlocked, all good & well for the folks that can actually get into program. What about a system update for those of us that cannot even get in? No update icon has shown up yet (going on over a week now). Using IOS 6.1.3 on an Iphone 4. Glu admin: please advise.....


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    satchamosatchamo Registered Users 17 Posts
    Going on 12 days now, & no word from Glu on this fix, as well as nothing on the ticket that was also submitted. Reading some other posts, it appears that they are aware of the "hang", but nothing has been conveyed on a fix. If anyone has further information, please feel free to share....
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    HeerDunter2014HeerDunter2014 Registered Users 39 Posts
    I'm copying and pasting a message I posted on a similar situation. Good luck!

    So I followed the instructions provided here by Roone and it worked! No lies, it worked. I deleted the "bundle data" and the "manifesttime.txt" file and it worked. This happened a few weeks ago. Just tonight after working it happened again! DH 2014 froze again at the Glu icon and didn't load. So I did the same thing again and now it's working again! Please give this a try and I hope it works for you.

    Thanks Roone!


    For those using iOS, have version 1.2.1 and are hanging on launch of the game try these steps.

    1. Download iExplorer from http://www.macroplant.com/iexplorer/
    2. Install iExplorer
    3. Launch iExplorer. Select continue to use in Demo Mode
    4. Connect iOS device. If device has a password enter it on the device and have device on home screen before device will load in iExplorer
    5. Double Click Apps
    6. Double Click DH 2014 folder
    7. Double Click Library
    8. Delete the below FOLDER
    Apps/DH 2014/Library/BundleData

    9. Double Click Caches
    10. Delete the below file
    a. 1 file. Apps/DH 2014/Library/Caches/manifesttime.txt

    11. Launch the game

    If that works great! If not try also deleting this additional files.

    a. 1 file. Apps/DH 2014/Library/Caches/Manifest
    b. 1 file. Apps/DH 2014/Library/Caches/manifesttime.txt
    c. 1 file. Apps/DH 2014/Library/Caches/ABTestConfig.txt
    d. 1 file. Apps/DH 2014/Library/Caches/GluonConfig.txt
    e. 1 file. Apps/DH 2014/Library/Caches/Killswitch.txt
    f. 1 file. Apps/DH 2014/Library/Caches/MissionSettings.txt

    Please reply here if that fixes it for you. If it worked if just the one file worked or you had to do the whole list.

    Thanks for helping us verify this fix!
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    satchamosatchamo Registered Users 17 Posts
    Heerdunter, thanks for your input: however, I am unable to perform this from a desktop. Its a great idea/fix for those that are able to do so & maybe I'm in the minority of those that cannot. The fact/principle of the matter is that: a fix is out there & it should really be written into the programming & into new updates as well as tested prior to release. If Glu cannot remedy the matter by learning from their mistakes or bad script, then they choose to fail as a legitimate game producer. That being said, I do miss playing the game, but refuse to tear my hair out because of bad programming on a free game. I'll sit tight for now & wait for an update, but if that fails, the app is done & deleted. I'd rather not have the app waste storage on my device when all I get is the "glu man" to get kicked back to my home screen.
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    devilchilddeluxdevilchilddelux Registered Users 14 Posts
    There still isn't a fix for Android devices though. The above will not work.
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