
Galaxy 3 problems

have been playing on my Galaxy 3 now for several months and when the holiday hunts were taken away so was my ability to hunt my ten times in a session. 1 hunt and it kicks me out, go back in, 1 hunt kicks me out. I have stopped playing because of this problem and I love this game. Any thoughts or help you can send my way??



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    devilchilddeluxdevilchilddelux Registered Users 14 Posts
    You are not the only one with issues on Galaxy s3. Once Region 9 was introduced, the game is stuck checking for updates. I submitted a ticket to Glu and they gave me a couple of suggestions to help fix the problem which did not work. It seems to me Glu is biased toward any iOS systems since most of them get fixed first. I have been playing on an iPad Mini and seems to work fine w/o issues. That was until I opened Region 9. I did the first hunt which was kill a Zebra and once I hit "Next", it kicked me completely out of the game. I had to re-start so i could at least do the contract hunts in Region 8 to get more $$.
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