
bonus gold available

WmCWmC Registered Users 218 Posts
I have seen lots of discussion about the new rare hunts, bows and the temple. No mention yet on the bonus gold tabulation area. Is anyone paying attention to it? Is there any strategies to maximize accumulation of gold since it was a recurring request in this forum?


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    SubH2OSubH2O Registered Users 603 Posts
    The new bounty system offers 24 or 25 bounties/achievements. Each looks to have three levels within it. Some are region specific (eg Kill buffalo in South Africa), some are weapon specific (eg Kill animals with a crossbow), some are both (eg Kill wolves in Mt St Helens with a Rifle), and some are kill types (eg kill animals with a neck shot).
    Gold is awarded depending on the level of difficulty, as well as consumables (eg the third bounty for "Complete Rare Hunts" pays 10 gold and one call after completing 30 rare hunts). Killing five sheep in the pacific Northwest nets one gold, since it is a low level region.
    There can also be bonus gold associated with rare hunts (as well as consumables, cash, platinum and the odd map piece)
    Samsung Galaxy S4, Android 5.0.1 (retired)
    iPhone 6, iOS 9.2
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