
Independence event

northlander30northlander30 Registered Users 59 Posts
Ya so I started playing , got through the first round and got the prize. I figured wow this is like the Elite series where all you do is play and not have to worry about purchasing anything. That was until I got to the second Independence event. Just like all the others you need gold and lots of it to cointinue! Wow GLU you sure know how to stick it to your players! We will suck you in and give you a free event but then you will have to pay dearly for the rest! I am sick and tired of these events! You don't offer any prizes that are really worth playing for. You don't offer nearly enough gold! 50 gold wow big deal that isn't enough to do anything with! I love the game but unless you start treating your players that can't afford to support your business with a little more respect by offering us something worth playing for, then I will be done with everything GLU! You did it first with Dino Hunter now this!
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