
In Memory of 911 Coins on September 11th, 2015

Collected 911 coins included purchased amount remained so far. Many coins were spent in energy drinks in earlier stage of the game, but I did not use up 100 drinks or double bullets or extra battery until level 60 or later. 200 millions of hunter bucks was a small achievement too.


Deer Hunter 2016 is coming, but it will be another new cash burn game. You never own the game and just rent to play. Once the game get upgraded to the new version , all your achievements in the old game will be gone. I hope there's a way to keep old achievements even if Glu does not plan to send more updates after 2016 is launched.

Meanwhile, show you a strange eye shot I got in Region 17. When I hit one of five running tigers, it kept showing me body shot, lung shot, eye shot, and then finish with a head shot. Time was limited, so I only took the screen shot of eye shot part and tiger was still alive.

I thought each animal can only be shot once but hit multiple times if the weapon is not strong enough. However I used a Region 20 shotgun to do a hunt in Region 17 which should be more than good to finish the tiger with one shot.


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