
Didn't work

ep 1: Update to the most recent version of the game. Do not uninstall your game as you may lose your game progress.

Step 2: Submit a Customer Care ticket. This is the ONLY way that your issues are formally tracked. The forums are not for formal issue tracking. If you do not submit a Customer Care ticket, we will not be able to view your account. If your CC ticket is closed before your issue has been resolved, simply reopen it by replying to the message. If you have not received a response yet, please be patient and be aware that we have millions of players on hundreds of devices playing dozens of games.

Step 3: If you want to discuss your issue on the forums to see if others are experiencing the same thing, please include what device/OS you are using. However, please be aware that the primary purpose of these forums is to provide a place for users to connect with and support other users. As such, admins and moderators will not be on all the time, and will only provide updates as they have them. Do not rely on a forum admin to necessarily address your issue on your thread, though they will provide more info as it is available. Again, the only formal way to address your issue is to submit a Customer Care ticket.

Step 4: Check back here for periodic updates. We try to update you several times a week if we have information available. If we have no information, we cannot provide any, so information may take longer to be delivered. Actual game updates are rolled out anywhere between a few days and a few weeks and with some updates, we require approval that will further delay going live; we are unable to provide any hard dates for this reason. Updates will also rollout across platforms at different times. If there is an update on one platform it may take longer for another to appear for this same reason.

We understand how frustrating it can be to have issues in a game you are enjoying. We will do our best to keep you updated as things progress.

Wrong again glu...didn't fix anything
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