

Why do we keep getting rare calls in the bonus videos, when we haven't done rare hunts in months?
It also seems that infrared batteries are 70% of the videos. It is nice to know with weapons with infrared on it that can be extended with full leveling up on the weapon, you don't need them unless you are targeting certain bounties or you like saving hunter bucks by not upgrading or by doing the hunting series and you need only a few per region.
I don't need 400 million per region.
What about hollow points? If you have the right weapon, you rarely if at all need them? I did need them to catch up, because I didn't buy every shotgun for every region to save time. After four days of hunting per region to barely have enough to do the trophy hunts to get to the next region, now I don't need them.
At one time I was on region eight with no hunter bucks, but I am now caught up, with over 6 billion hunter bucks.
Cheers and happy wabbit hunting.
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