
Region weapons

Duck76Duck76 Registered Users 909 Posts
Why on the free hunts on Region 1, with the required Grantham 500, if I shoot a deer in the eye, it says hit, but if I shoot it anywhere else it kills it?
On Region 43 with the Region 43 AR and shotgun it takes five shots to kill a gazelle or zebra or lion? Really?
With the bow, 1 shot.
Also on Region 1 free hunts, I have shot deer next to bears. The bears stand up to attack. I thought they weren't supposed to do that when using a bow.
Why is it with an AR, I shoot a critter with it that is fairly close, it says hit, but kills it further away?
Why is it that a Region 42 gun takes fewer shots to kill on Region 43 than a Region 43 gun does, regardless of whether it is tiered and powered up by stuff in hunters crates? Region 41 guns on Region 42 are like that too
This game is making less and less sense.
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