
How do you feel about being manipulated and forced?

Jesus LivesJesus Lives Registered Users 123 Posts
May if the creators of this game read our concerns they will save a great game rather than cause it to rapidly cause bad word of mouth to take it the other way. Let's see if our voice counts or matters any the least.


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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Name one game that dosent manipulate you,All games have you follow guidelines,rules,etc--Because games are designed to have you play them a certain way. How were you forced,if you mean by having to use gold to buy weapons and upgrades,still that is part of playing the game.Gold has always been apart of the game,so as the game progresses so dose the use of gold,seems logical to me.
    I know they read the treads,address the bugs/glitches and try to get the fixes out as quick as possible----the reality is not everyone is going to happy with or like the same things about this game.This is a game of having to play multiple level/regions to progress,definitely not a game for anyone you expects instance results.

    I also agree that android got "jacked"on the zombie release,however knowing there was a problem with the release and people still played and expected the rewards,and want to complain that they didn't get this or get that --
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    I don't feel forced to do anything. The last time there was a zombie animal hunt at Halloween I could've chosen to purchase some gold only guns, but I didn't and therefore didn't take part. Same went for the holiday hunts at Christmas, but that time I chose to purchase 100 gold bars to buy a gun in order to finish off the hunt series that I had nearly completed.

    Notice how I've accentuated the words that indicate I had a choice and that I was not forced to take part in anything?
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Thinking about it today ,J.L. Must be talking about GLU'S goon squad--consisting of the jumping Snowman who are the enforcers,which use pretend guns and the flying reindeer to carry them around. How else could anyone be force into doing something in a game
    try this go to the app store(those who use apple devices),open the app,now you see the picture,with the deer and next to the picture ,There is a statement "offers in app purchases"--to me that implies that if they are offering items for sale,like money ,gold,consumables ,etc--then at some point they will be needed---OFFERS,not mandatory to buy--from the beginning of the game everyone is given to chance to earn free items or offers to buy them--your choice
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
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    Jesus LivesJesus Lives Registered Users 123 Posts
    Ok... Let me make it easier to follow...

    The second zombie hunt says... A PISTOL WITH 743 POWER IS REQUIRED. ok... I already own a fully maxed out updated pistol with 1592 power. Why am I being forced to buy a pistol I don't need and is inferior to one I already bought?

    The second thing... A ELITE SPRING OUTBREAK PISTOL IS REQUIRED. Well excuse me but if I had known I was going to be forced to buy the elite pistol I never would have bought and maxed out the other headsman.

    I get the fact that the game makers want to make money off this game. That's fine. However don't insult our intelligence nor think we can't see through it while it's happening... And then feel all warm and fuzzy about spending real money.

    This game used to be really fun. Now I will earn one gold a day or month until I have enough to buy whatever weapon is being forced. And here's the thing.... I will tell everyone I encounter who are gamers the deal and the potential loss of revenue that could have come as a result of a better thought out weapons offering that is more fair will just be the result.

    I urge those that be to reconsider the way weapons are forced and a more sensible fair offering is made. One that actually motivates those who play the game to wish to continue.
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    You seem to have a misunderstanding of the word force in the form of a verb. To be forced to do something means that you are made to do it against your free will. At no point in this game is any player forced to do anything.

    Is that easy to follow?
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    Jesus LivesJesus Lives Registered Users 123 Posts
    pistoff wrote: »
    You seem to have a misunderstanding of the word force in the form of a verb. To be forced to do something means that you are made to do it against your free will. At no point in this game is any player forced to do anything.

    Is that easy to follow?

    Tell me then how to complete the second zombie level without buying the pistol inferior to the one I already have?
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    Wait until the pistol goes on sale for cash. Didn't Glu do that with event weapons in the past?
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    Or keep saving the free gold and wait until the event is coming to an end. The price is usually reduced near that time...
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    Jesus LivesJesus Lives Registered Users 123 Posts
    Those suggestions don't address my point. It's like saying... You already own a rocket launcher but a water pistol is required to continue on this level. LOL
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    todfoxxtodfoxx Registered Users 1,933 Posts
    That was very well put! I also wasn't "forced" to play the g@h invitational event,didn't care for the shotgun that you could win. Basically if it bothers you to miss out on a certain event so be it, there will be more to come. Just play the game they way YOU want to, there's no forcing you to do anything. Do you want to buy some property in the everglades, 50% off!
    Galaxy tab S :cool: Kindle hdx
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Ok... Let me make it easier to follow...

    The second zombie hunt says... A PISTOL WITH 743 POWER IS REQUIRED. ok... I already own a fully maxed out updated pistol with 1592 power. Why am I being forced to buy a pistol I don't need and is inferior to one I already bought?

    The second thing... A ELITE SPRING OUTBREAK PISTOL IS REQUIRED. Well excuse me but if I had known I was going to be forced to buy the elite pistol I never would have bought and maxed out the other headsman.

    I get the fact that the game makers want to make money off this game. That's fine. However don't insult our intelligence nor think we can't see through it while it's happening... And then feel all warm and fuzzy about spending real money.

    This game used to be really fun. Now I will earn one gold a day or month until I have enough to buy whatever weapon is being forced. And here's the thing.... I will tell everyone I encounter who are gamers the deal and the potential loss of revenue that could have come as a result of a better thought out weapons offering that is more fair will just be the result.

    I urge those that be to reconsider the way weapons are forced and a more sensible fair offering is made. One that actually motivates those who play the game to wish to continue.

    How many other times have you played an event where a weapon is REQUIRED,yet you are acting like this is the first time this has ever happened,why be caused you brought and maxed out,what you thought was the better weapon ,common sense should have come into play,when a special event is released in two different regions and you play the lower region that requires a pistol,then you expect the high event not to have a required pistol,seems you messed up and blaming game,
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    ProfProf Registered Users 7 Posts
    There is a difference between a choice to buy upgrades and extra levels. But when the game states you get free gold for each level you complete and you dont get it. I have just completed the deer bounty and should have got 50 gold. I got nothing. Judging by the comments being deleted on here this is not a mistake but a deliberate confidence trick. In the uk this is a contravention of the sale of goods act and adverising standards and you are clearly breaki g the law. Give me my 100 plus gold i am due now.
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    Jesus LivesJesus Lives Registered Users 123 Posts
    How many other times have you played an event where a weapon is REQUIRED,yet you are acting like this is the first time this has ever happened,why be caused you brought and maxed out,what you thought was the better weapon ,common sense should have come into play,when a special event is released in two different regions and you play the lower region that requires a pistol,then you expect the high event not to have a required pistol,seems you messed up and blaming game,

    Common sense says a more powerful weapon should be able to be used instead of a inferior one being required.
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Common sense says a more powerful weapon should be able to be used instead of a inferior one being required.

    So by your statement if had known that you had to buy the elite ,then you would have not brought other headsman,so why did you buy the lesser one,maybe because it is required,and you couldn't complete region 7 with more powerful pistol you already owned----also how were you planning to complete region 7 without the headsman--either way both are inferior,to the more powerful one you have,yet you bought the lesser of the two required ---were is the common sense in that logic---again if region 7 require a pistol and you are rewarded a region 10 weapon ,then common sense would indicate that region 9 requires a pistol with the reward of region 10 weapon,if not then why have the event before a region is released ---how many times have they had an event requiring weapons to complete before a release of the next region,so,people get a change to get the weapons for the next region? Not the first time---
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    jimu57jimu57 Registered Users 2 Posts
    Bunch of whining maggots. You think it was cheap to create and maintain this game?
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    jimu57 wrote: »
    Bunch of whining maggots. You think it was cheap to create and maintain this game?

    Just not clear about "bunch"--do you mean just the two that complained about having to get the pistols,because everyone disagreed with their point of view--
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    Jesus LivesJesus Lives Registered Users 123 Posts
    Just not clear about "bunch"--do you mean just the two that complained about having to get the pistols,because everyone disagreed with their point of view--

    Everyone didn't comment.
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Everyone didn't comment.

    Sorry ,should have read everyone else disagreed with their point of view--meaning only the people in this thread
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    Prof wrote: »
    There is a difference between a choice to buy upgrades and extra levels. But when the game states you get free gold for each level you complete and you dont get it. I have just completed the deer bounty and should have got 50 gold. I got nothing. Judging by the comments being deleted on here this is not a mistake but a deliberate confidence trick. In the uk this is a contravention of the sale of goods act and adverising standards and you are clearly breaki g the law. Give me my 100 plus gold i am due now.

    First, comments aren't deleted unless they are abusive or if threads turn abusive.
    Second, there are bugs in all games and there are many threads about rewards not being received specifically. Implying that this is purposeful or that you are being "conned" is also inaccurate gossip-mongering.

    If you have issues with billing or currency issues you must submit a ticket, as Customer Care are the people who have visibility into your account.
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    straightshooterstraightshooter Registered Users 1,231 Posts
    My googlecloud wasn't saving so I lost progress through bounties which is a real pain
    ( + )
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    RockporterRockporter Registered Users 11 Posts
    There is another thread that Gluadmin commented on saying there is a glitch in the programming and that Glu is working on a fix so the Headsman Elite pistol will work on both Spring Event hunts -levels 7 and 9.

    Nobody is being robbed or taken advantage of. Just give Glu some time to make the fix and be patient.
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    don1923don1923 Registered Users 46 Posts
    Yes. I agree. I own all the maxed out top equipment. Why should I have to go DOWN to do a hunt when what I own has 3 times the power already?
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    straightshooterstraightshooter Registered Users 1,231 Posts
    Doe's this mean those of us that purchased two identical looking revolvers with glu when the elite version should have been the only one required will be able to dual wield the two headsman pistols as way of recompense for having two pistols that look the same?
    ( + )
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    Jesus LivesJesus Lives Registered Users 123 Posts
    don1923 wrote: »
    Yes. I agree. I own all the maxed out top equipment. Why should I have to go DOWN to do a hunt when what I own has 3 times the power already?

    AMEN! Testify my brother.
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    biggamepisalbiggamepisal Registered Users 115 Posts
    I have to agree with the angst about having to purchase inferior weapons to the ones I already own just for the sake of a special hunt. If I've purchased and outfitted a superior weapon, I should be able to use it. These are the things that relally bug me about this game. I have no problem spending a little here and there to purchase a weapon, but all the little things you need gold for just make the game seem greedy and a lot less fun to play.
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    It's real simple,either play the special hunts the way the game was designed to be played or don't play them.you can wait and pay for the region ten weapons later... None of the special hunts are required to complete to play the game. So as to have to get weapons inferior to the ones you already have ,is because that is the way the game has been designed.Again you used two inferior weapons to gain two superior weapons for region 10---as an experiment -how about not getting the required weapons,not playing the special hunts,then see how that works outs--then put it a thread,because if you get a better deal on the weapons by not playing the special hunt ,then I'm all for that.
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    CaitieCaitie Registered Users 3 Posts
    Just do what I do - buy the pistol, stick it in the secondary spot, and go ahead and use whatever weapon you were going to use in the primary spot. The game is satisfied, and you're satisfied. Or just don't participate. Like others have said, it's not like participation is required. Would it have been nicer if purchase of a pistol wasn't required? Yes. But those are the rules, and you know it going in. Either pony up the gold or don't play.
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Caitie wrote: »
    Just do what I do - buy the pistol, stick it in the secondary spot, and go ahead and use whatever weapon you were going to use in the primary spot. The game is satisfied, and you're satisfied. Or just don't participate. Like others have said, it's not like participation is required. Would it have been nicer if purchase of a pistol wasn't required? Yes. But those are the rules, and you know it going in. Either pony up the gold or don't play.

    Thank you ,it's refreshing that someone new to the forum , understands the how the game has been design and played
    well stated!
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    todfoxxtodfoxx Registered Users 1,933 Posts
    Plus I think it's fun to shoot zombie animals, I hope they have another one Halloween time. I already have the pistols for it, so I hope another zombie hunt will come around someday. Other people own these pistols already, and the power was " magically increased" by the update. I wanted to participate, so I paid, with no regrets! I had FUN!
    Galaxy tab S :cool: Kindle hdx
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