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  • Even more confused now. Haven't played any of r12 and 3/5 trophy 36/40 normal hunts done...
  • Finally just opened up the game and had to restart for updates. Now have R12 available, 13 showing (locked), rohann tour, and weapon series in 8 and 9 plus extra rare hunts. A little annoying that these took so long to show up but they're here now so time to get hunting
  • I know how trophy hunts need to be completed to advance. I completed them for R11 the first day it was released
  • All well and good that "events" are limited time but pretty ****ty that the update that removed this event came through when I spent the money to access it. The game needed to reset for changes to be applied apparently- changes being the gold I purchased... Poor form
  • My update just came through now. Back able to play... Pity zombie level has disappeared now that I paid for gold to get the gun for it...

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