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  • I wouldn't mind spending "real" money if I had faith that after spending money and encountering a legitimate problem, and I reported it in the way they said was required, somene would try to resolve it.
  • More of the same! I have a Kindle Fire. These suggestions don't even apply. So after two months of nothing I send an "any update on my ticket email?" This is what I got back.... From:"Glu Mobile Android Support" <androidsupport@glu.com> me Date:Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 3:20 pm Subject:Deer Hunter 2014 locks up and flashes out…
  • Hopefully this won't require any hunting in Regions 4 or 9. If so it'll be another area I can't complete.
  • Hahaha, Yayyyy! Something else I can't play because region 4 is screwed up! Can't get the last two map pieces for the hidden region, can't hunt boar with a bow. Can't collect those cute little silver coins. Can't kill buffalo for the bounties. Hey, how about fixing the scenes in region 4 and 9 before coming out with new…
  • Update: So I put in a ticket as requested. Still nothing has been done after several updates. Now there are new hunts in multiple regions including 4, which I thought I had made it through. Now I'm at the scenery that locks up in every hunt in region 9 and region 4. The game is unplayable. I'm locked out of the new stuff,…
  • I got a response on my trouble ticket acknowledging that they were aware of the problem and working on it. The next day, Friday If I recall a patch came out and installed. Really didn't help. I can see more of the scenery, but it's still flashing in and out. Still unplayable. I sent a response back to you on my ticket.…
  • Yup Woody, that's it exactly. I think that as has been said before, it's the particular scenery that does it. Started to hunt Mud and it locked up on me. I don't know where the club hunts are. I have a non-HD Kindle Fire. Maybe It's limited. Anyway, the game was fun while it lasted.
  • Update. I put in a trouble ticket as they suggested. We'll see how that works out. In the mean time I'm just replaying region 8 over and over... you know, bear bear moose moose moose bear bear bear wolf moose moose moose moose geese bear bear moose....... doink
  • Region 9 will load. Did 2 of the hunts, and several of the contract hunts with no problem. Then I got to my first predator hunt and the game locked up. It would show half screen, then black, then the kindle fire logo like it was restarting the system. It never comes back. Just keeps toggling between half of the hunt…

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