
How to take and post screenshots

I took this from the FAQ in the DH14 forum, it can be used here as well:
How do I take a screenshot and how do I post images to the forums?

A:You press in the home button and the lock/power button at the same time. (some devices may vary)

You have a few options to upload, Ill just mention the two that I know of...

1.Upload your images to Imgur.com, and you need to copy and paste the "BBCode" link. If you are using the mobile site there will be a dropdown bar that say "link" and you will find the bb code there (if you uploaded more than one image click the image and you will now see this).

2.Download the app photobucket and create an account if you don't have one. Once you've downloaded an image just click on it and on the left click the info circle and click on the IMG URL. It will copy the link and all you have to do is paste it on the forum. It'll show up with a bunch of numbers and letter but you can preview or once you post the phot will appear.

A 3rd option I use is postimage.org, once on the main page you click the browse button next to 'select files to upload' box, select the option for where screenshot is stored (iOS is photo library), find the screen shot and select it, hit the 'upload it' button. Once the upload complete page appears there will be multiple codes and links listed below the picture, copy the contents of the left box next to either 'hot link for forums 1' or 'hot link for forums 2' and paste that into your post on this forum.
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