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  • K, so for whatever reason "COMMON" attachment parts (caps) are exactly the opposite from what their title describes. They should be called "****S" (curiously rare attachment parts) anyway, after reading a few other threads on this, I didn't realize that you could get caps from "Elite Alaska" also, as the symbol for them…
  • AND, they keep giving the "common pistol/ rifle parts" which shouldn't even be an option. Obviously there's a mix up there where every time we get the common parts it should be common attachments. Come on, fix this!
  • YES!!!!!!!!!! This is absolutely ridiculous. So you basically get 3 possible rewards for completing elite missions: 1) uncommon parts, 2) rare parts, 3) **COMMON** attachment parts!! Yes, COMMON, which has become anything but. I have played, at least, 40 rifle elite missions and 120 pistol elite missions and have received…

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