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  • I played DH2014 for a LONG time, and I really preferred it. I've only played DH17 for a short while now, but it seems to me that there is far more weapons (ARs for example) that you have to buy with gold only, and that really takes the fun out of it. In DH14 you could buy and rifle, shotgun, and AR in each level for cash.…
  • This really stinks. It takes forever to make it to second level in the spearfishing game because of the spins needed to upgrade. I lost interest after waiting too long. Won't be back.
  • I just want to play it on a pc, I don't do phone or tablet games. Bummer.
  • I'm playing on Facebook and there is nothing over level 35, no holiday hunt, no nothing. Hasn't been in update in a long long time.
  • I'm stuck in 35 playing on Facebook. No progress, no holiday hunt, no nothing.
  • I've been sitting in region 35 for weeks. Sitting on $10 billion and bored as hell.
  • I haven't seen anything in weeks. Still in region 35 with $10 billion and getting bored.
  • Yep. I'm thinking these bunny rabbits are made of reinforced concrete with cast iron cladding on them. Even using the fully upgraded lvl 34 AR I just won, they take two to three shots each to kill.
  • Sounds like sombody goofed. The lvl 31 shotgun upgrades start at a few million, but this must be one heck of an AR if an extra magazine starts at 1.9 Billion! LOL!! Sounds like the US Government must be paying for it!
    in New Event Comment by mchughes April 2016
  • Playing through Facebook on PC. To kill Bigfoot, you need a rifle with a power of 5,562,544. The standard rifle, The Grantham Castle, has a max power of 5,217,153.
  • Same here. The rifle is fully upgraded and it's not enough. Slime***** want $.
  • Yep, having the same problem. None of the holiday challenges will load up. Just waiting for the fix.
  • Yes, there is a problem on the #3 level of OUTBREAK. I'm playing on Facebook, and the third level takes you to area #18, the Thar Desert, where the are no crocodiles.....and the first hunt is to kill two infected crocs. All they give you are greay wolves (no infected animals at all) and as soon as you take a shot, you lose…
  • Oh, but sometimes it does try to go to region 17 and it says "Region Locked" and freezes up the game. Locked, my butt, I've been playing it on every other computer I have for over a week!
  • It's not that, I have region 17 on my desktop computer, but I can't get it onto my laptop. But when I play on my laptop, I still have the region 17 shotgun I purchased and the same level and cash I had when I played on my desktop. I just want to find out how to download region 17 onto my laptop.
  • I play DH2014 on Facebook. Region 17 showed up on my home PC the other day, and I like it, but I don't have it when I log into my Facebook through my laptop. What's with that? It's the same account, shouldn't it be there no matter when I log in????? Very annoyed.
  • I had the same experience. Went back to finish my bounties after finishing level 16. Took forever for the kudu to show up, but once they did, I had about four kudu hunts in a row. Luck of the draw I guess. I've now finished every bounty except using all the consumables. Can you even get that many consumables after you've…
  • You join the club and wait. Same thing happened to me.

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