
About the transfer of Shohei Ohtani

 Good evening, everyone ! This time, it is related to MLB, but this time I have a question about "Shohei Ohtani". Currently, Shohei Ohtani has acquired FA rights, so in addition to the Angels, who want to stay, many other teams such as the Los Angeles Dodgers, San Francisco Giants, and Texas Rangers are making moves to acquire him.

 However, as reported in the news, Shohei Ohtani is almost certain to play only as a hitter next season due to injuries and surgeries. In 2023, he won 10 games as a pitcher, so he will be greatly missed, but as a hitter, he is the first Japan major leaguer to hit 44 home runs and win the home run king for the first time (Matt Olson is the overall home run king with 54), so there must be high expectations from every team.

 With this in mind, which team do you think Shohei Ohtani will transfer to and why he will stay? I'd love to hear your opinion. Thank you in advance !

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