
enemies powers to hero

dinniiidinniii Registered Users 99 Posts
1) like when we revive our hero from death it revives with some energy.. and that is with Darkness warrior(cobra lord).. when enters and sometimes in between fight it does... their swords are available to us(Ancient sword and Severing axe) but not that power... it may be given as once in 100 seconds or like that
2) weapon of Elite Demon warrior... love the way it swings and emit currents
3) Finaly none other than minotour lord(Risen sacrifice)... it have running power, it have a hammer and extra axe at its back. . and when he uses it hero cannot do anything. .
i personally feel these special powers must also be available to our hero also
may be like after killing 1000 of each kind our hero can get that
Level 70
Grand Dragon Lord
Full Mystery set
Dragon Breaker & Mystery Axe
Game center: +dinniii+
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