
Swings per minute two weapon vs heavy weapon

K_OtiCK_OtiC Registered Users 165 Posts
Just spent ten minutes counting 5 swing combos with two weapons & 4 swing combos with one weapon.
Dragon breaker(all other two weapons are the same speed) manages 23 lots of its 5 swing combo, so it provides on average 115 attacks per minute against a wall without any monster interaction.

Mystery axe & generals spear managed 27 lots of 4 swing combo, so they provide on average 108 swings per minute against a wall without monster interaction.

I'll spend sometime comparing length & amount of hits of a 3 chain dash attack with one & two weapons also, to see if there is a difference there at all.

Edit: tested dash with both types of weapons they can preform 14 full 3 dash attack combos in one minute, but the heavy weapons(mystery axe & generals spear etc) only managed a maximum of 10 hits per chain and the dragon breaker managed 14 hits maximum per chain.

So it seems dragon breaker is miles head in normal attacks and dash attacks, mystery has more reach but it's slower and hits less.
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