
7th PvP Tournament 20/09/2013



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    Kami ChaiKami Chai Registered Users 140 Posts
    So 7th Tournament ended.
    It's a first Tournament after new update that included new weapons and armour.
    They also brought some changes with this update:
    • You can fight opponents outside 100 point range (it could be 200 now)
    • Points deducted for loosing decreased, so people no longer suffer major blow with each defeat.
    • And most important of all NO HACKERS. (Well, at least I did't encounter any)

    But as a result we do have bugs as well, like people loosing almost 1000 points for no reason. Or poor connectivity to most popular server were all players are fighting - China. I, from UK, got very difficult time connecting to it.

    I finished at 11th place, playing only on US server:

    And got this reward:
    I'm God of Tea
    Visit my YouTube Channel for Tournament PvP videos
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    mohicanmohican Registered Users 326 Posts
    Finished in the 20s and got the 5 free spins thing. Couple disconnects and 1 very strong player brought me down from the 2000 mark to 1300s then could only get back to 1500s. Cant post the few screenshots i took unfortunately as im using mobile right now.

    Seriously though. How do those guys in top 5 get 5000 to 6000 battle points and what power rating are they even in as i have never encountered any of em. I laddered in the power ratings 4000s and 6000s 8000s 9000s and 10000s using diff weapons and armor (most battles i could only find in 6000s ratings.
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    IndiepwnIndiepwn Registered Users 62 Posts
    I ended up in the 20s as well. I only really played the last day of tournament so not bad.
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