
4.2 bug issues, and Mystery Items Lottery Rolling

ZhirZhir Registered Users 4 Posts
Hello E 2 Warriorians, I am piss off by this new update 4.2 and the bugs that goes alone with it ( losted Glu coins and actually it jumps from positive glu coins to 0 coins to to -negative coins, lag for multiply player and a can not join pvp pop-up for abnormalities in my characters. Glu in the past has failed to help me with character account issues because they do not restore character data, as a matter of fact, my G+ cloud data has a level 2 character even thought i have save to it many time and i am level 71 now lol, dare not try to retore my character using the cloud service they offer. so i hope more people voice concerns, maybe we will get heared this time. However, this time my character survived with his armor on, Thank the heaven for that!!!!! Now let talk about how long it took me to receive the mysterious axe. I know it is a rare item but For Real GLU, .5 of a 1000 chance of receiving it. REALLY, REALLY GLU. Are there any people out there who have issues with the 4.2 update and how many people have brave the click the lottery and came up empty?
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