
Old player looking for new advice

Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
Hey everyone I'm new to the forums and I play on my iPad. I'm level 47 and I just picked up my iPad after about 6 months and a lot has changed. I hear about balancing upgrades and stuff but I thought they were just random? I'm also not sure what gear I should be upgrading first or what I should be spending coins on.

What area should I go to to farm gear and stuff?

Thanks for all the advice and help!


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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Swagger123 wrote: »
    Hey everyone I'm new to the forums and I play on my iPad. I'm level 47 and I just picked up my iPad after about 6 months and a lot has changed. I hear about balancing upgrades and stuff but I thought they were just random? I'm also not sure what gear I should be upgrading first or what I should be spending coins on.

    What area should I go to to farm gear and stuff?

    Thanks for all the advice and help!

    Boss rush gives you gems for completing it but its very difficult . If you have friends to invite and they are strong enough to defeat boss rush 1 2 and 3 then your good . To complete boss rush 4 alone is very very very difficult . So just start passing floors and keep leveling up because its really hard to even try to kill the white dragon or any boss rush if you have very weak armor and weapons . Defeat the black dragon and get the bane weapon for free with a max damage of over 5000
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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    Swagger123 wrote: »
    Hey everyone I'm new to the forums and I play on my iPad. I'm level 47 and I just picked up my iPad after about 6 months and a lot has changed. I hear about balancing upgrades and stuff but I thought they were just random? I'm also not sure what gear I should be upgrading first or what I should be spending coins on.

    What area should I go to to farm gear and stuff?

    Thanks for all the advice and help!

    As the other guy said boss rush is good. Forgotten tomb 6-10 farms Lvl 5 elements too.
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    stew wrote: »
    As the other guy said boss rush is good. Forgotten tomb 6-10 farms Lvl 5 elements too.

    Yea just grab a player in online multiplayer that's good enough and you will have a great time and level up, grab elements, armies and weapons in the process
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    Yeah I can't get past the red dragon or boss rush 2. I'm trying to go through FT but I get hit too hard by the cobra dude and Minotaur. If someone could carry me through the dragon fights that would be great. Can't beat red.
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Swagger123 wrote: »
    Yeah I can't get past the red dragon or boss rush 2. I'm trying to go through FT but I get hit too hard by the cobra dude and Minotaur. If someone could carry me through the dragon fights that would be great. Can't beat red.

    I would if I could but I play on a iOS device and if you use android we can't play together . If you play on a iOS device then I could help you
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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    Add me on Google+ I'll push u through anything I can, boss rush 4 may b difficult solo but I could pry still do it

    Can Stewart.

    I'm about to update to 3.2 later tonigbt now that I have a circle of about 20 for ew2
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    stew wrote: »
    Add me on Google+ I'll push u through anything I can, boss rush 4 may b difficult solo but I could pry still do it

    Can Stewart.

    I'm about to update to 3.2 later tonigbt now that I have a circle of about 20 for ew2

    I'm sure stew has android so he could help you . I wish I could . I would have cleared all the floors for you
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    How do I add someone on google plus? I didn't even know it was connected to the game at all...
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Swagger123 wrote: »
    How do I add someone on google plus? I didn't even know it was connected to the game at all...

    Wait for stew to reply to this. I'm on iOS and know very little about it . I use game center to connect to other users from the world. Would be best if I let someone else answer this
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    The iPad counts as an android?
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    Wait for stew to reply to this. I'm on iOS and know very little about it . I use game center to connect to other users from the world. Would be best if I let someone else answer this

    I thought iOS meant the computer ..
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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    If your on 3.2 , the main screen on bottom left corner theirs a spot to login to your Google account.
    After that Make sure you have the Google plus app (if not, dl it ffrom the play store) then open it up. click. g+ icon in upper left, click find people and type their name in and select their page when it comes up. Then click add. now it will say friends. Go ahead and try it w. My name. Cam Stewart
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    stew wrote: »
    If your on 3.2 , the main screen on bottom left corner theirs a spot to login to your Google account.

    Yeah I'm on 3.2 But all I have on the bottom left are iCloud and Settings buttons. (On my IPad 2)
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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    Oh I'm talking android, I'm not sure but I think all 3 platforms may be seperate... Maybe someone can confirm.
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    Yea just grab a player in online multiplayer that's good enough and you will have a great time and level up, grab elements, armies and weapons in the process

    What's your gamecenter name? Mines : wmonde I guess you guys both thought I had android when I have an iPad!!
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Swagger123 wrote: »
    Yeah I'm on 3.2 But all I have on the bottom left are iCloud and Settings buttons. (On my IPad 2)

    Oh then I can help you!! iOS is IPod, iPad, and iPhone. iOS mean iPhone operating system but was changed due to the iPod and iPad . iOS currently means mobile operating system. It's apples mobile devices and what you meant about computer is called OS, OSX, etc. we play on iOS so I can help you clear floors whenever you want. You need a game enter account to play and you can add me when you want. By the way android is like the galaxy S3 and other phones by the brand android
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    stew wrote: »
    Oh I'm talking android, I'm not sure but I think all 3 platforms may be seperate... Maybe someone can confirm.

    I'm gonna see if I can queue up with kush if he responds to me tonight. I don't see why there would be a different between an iPhone and an iPad
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    Oh then I can help you!! iOS is IPod, iPad, and iPhone. iOS mean iPhone operating system but was changed due to the iPod and iPad . iOS currently means mobile operating system. It's apples mobile devices and what you meant about computer is called OS, OSX, etc. we play on iOS so I can help you clear floors whenever you want. You need a game enter account to play and you can add me when you want. By the way android is like the galaxy S3 and other phones by the brand android

    Yeah I'm gonna add you now what's your name??
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Swagger123 wrote: »
    Yeah I'm gonna add you now what's your name??

    My game enter name is the same as this forum . Kush_snipes . Just write something in the friend request so I can know it's you
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    My game enter name is the same as this forum . Kush_snipes . Just write something in the friend request so I can know it's you

    Just Sent!!!
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Swagger123 wrote: »
    Just Sent!!!

    Accepted :p
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    My game enter name is the same as this forum . Kush_snipes . Just write something in the friend request so I can know it's you

    Holy shit you're destroying everything...
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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    Do you guys have an option to create and anyone can join, as well as invite your friends?
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    stew wrote: »
    Do you guys have an option to create and anyone can join, as well as invite your friends?

    Yes we do . Invite friend , play with random people and we have a lobby option which is to i join random people too i guess
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Swagger123 wrote: »
    Holy shit you're destroying everything...

    Thank you for that wonderful comment haha (: i know . U can now get the deagons bane for free and all the wyrm slayer armor
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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    Damn, nice.. Jealous
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    Thank you for that wonderful comment haha (: i know . U can now get the deagons bane for free and all the wyrm slayer armor
    Yeah my inventory is full haha. So should I be upgrading the items that have the Highest max rating?
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    stew wrote: »
    Damn, nice.. Jealous

    Come one dont be jealous im sure android has to have something iOS/apple doesnt on their games. We just need to find it . Unless u would rather switch to apple which i doubt lol
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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    Come one dont be jealous im sure android has to have something iOS/apple doesnt on their games. We just need to find it . Unless u would rather switch to apple which i doubt lol

    heh, never give up my galaxy for an iphone. And we don't have chat :(

    Were still a hop skip and a step behind on updates
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    Swagger123Swagger123 Registered Users 19 Posts
    I don't get how a blue pair of pharaoh legs is 400 Max higher then an orange pair of pharaoh legs.
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