
To use or not to use: a level 36 gold weapon with horrific stats

EternityWarriorEternityWarrior Registered Users 450 Posts
I've been farming for a gold weapon for about 3 days, and the best i've got is the banishers, which only has crit chance bonus (no IIF). I'm currently using maxed out lvl 31 gold weap with only crit damage bonus (master kai's fist), and farming nian and hellboy. It currently takes 2:15~4:20 to beat legendary hellboy with occasional deaths. Should I continue farming with my lvl 31 weapon or switch to the lvl 36 one for faster kills (I hope)? And should I farm at nian or hellboy? Thanks in advance.


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    Leonluis1Leonluis1 Registered Users 33 Posts
    You should farm nian i get my lvl 36 gold weapon there and it have cd/iif of course its better for take out hellboy fast remember if u are warrior let him hit you a few times to boost ur Damage i usually take 50seg to kill him on legend mode
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    pelepalapelepala Registered Users 349 Posts
    in order for The banisher or any lvl 36 gold to surpass the lvl 31 gold weapon you have to maxed to 3 stars the boost come from the last stage. 2 stars maxed only give you the same attack. if you have the soulshard go for the 3 stars . The attack fully maxed is 2125.4 and it'll take your time down by half making farming hellboy that much faster. Niam did drop strom knuckles and banishers for me the rest I got off of hellboy.

    here a list on the weapon he drop.

    The Banishers w. CC,
    Brother Chi Ang's Gauntlets w. CC and IIF,
    Storm Knuckles w. CD,
    Fist of the Eastern wind w. CD and IIF
    and The Juggernaut Fists w.CC and CD.

    I avg 45 sec on him with juggy fist and 55sec with fist of the eastern wind.
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    EternityWarriorEternityWarrior Registered Users 450 Posts
    Thanks, I just happened to find a juggernaut fist this morning. But really appreciate you for listing all the gold weapon names!
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