
Ideas, and what's the point of things.

Devin delaneyDevin delaney Users Awaiting Email Confirmation 104 Posts
I think you should make the game a little Cheapier almost 200 for just only 10 inv spaces. You should make new levels and new peoples I know it's based on the eternity warrior theme but add like a ninja in there or even a ranger, he'll you have a mage why not ranger. Also you need to fix drop ratio seems to make everyone mad and rage. You need to let us talk to the people on our friends list of not then what was the point? Let's see the revive is bs 70 for a pot that as soon as you get up they spec you back down totally bs. Fix the lag issues every time I do endless it lags, and I know it's not my connection. The cost of reveants are out rages almost 500 gems for 5 demon prince soulshard. Also the offerings to gods is bs I like it I mean its cool but can't you do something like the gems where you can buy stuff with, why not put it to where it a store where you can buy stuff with god offerings so you save up to get something nice. It woul be really cool if there was something like a Wiley map where it was pvp but it was where everyone seen each other fight in one big map and the only players that could attack the low levels where the 5+ or 5- their level, and you could get their drop or you could earn wp (wildly points) to earn rewards and etc. I think that would be cool but y'all make the game and it's great but just a little suggestion. Just fix the friends bs cause the people I have I was in a guild with an can't get I touch with them. Thanks -BlackWidow
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