
Cannot Earn Free Gems (Android) Continued

Here is the conversation between myself and gluadmin, the super admin on these forums:

Me: It's been 5 days since this thread started.


gluadmin: Please do not bump threads without adding additional content. The issue is being looked into.
However, please be aware that this is a free service through partners, it is not a guarantee for all users and can be removed or modified at any time.

Me: Bumps would not be necessary if you replied to begin with. Now that you have replied, who exactly is looking into it? Also, where does it say that the ability to earn free gems would only be available to some users on Android while it is not available to other users on the SAME platform? If this is any indication of how the support staff "looks into" issues then there needs to be a complete overhaul to yield an even remotely acceptable response time.

gluadmin: If you have questions about the purpose of these forums, please see the announcement posted on every page: http://ggnbb.glu.com/announcement.php?f=14

Me: I have already submitted a ticket well over a week ago. Still an unacceptable response time besides the automatically generated one given to all submitted tickets. When you accepted the admin position to the forums you should have realized not everyone reads all stickies on every forum. You also should have realized the type of people who join forums. There are going to be people who love the game and have nothing but great things to say, those who hate the game, those who do nothing but complain, those who act as if they could program a better game, etc. Just as forum members sometimes don't read every sticky, it's even more understandable for admins to not respond to every post. That would be ridiculous. However, you could either hire more administrators so the work load could be delegated better or provide a less condescending answer. Deal with the cons that come with your decision to become an administrator or step down from said administrative position.

gluadmin: The people who admin the forums have no visibility into your account and have no control over Customer Care response time (it is a different team).

Of course not everyone reads every sticky, that's why the link was provided. There is nothing "condescending" about providing a direct answer to your question through a link. This thread is now closed.

Now, I believe I had every right as a dissatisfied patron in saying every word I typed. I also believe I wasn't being too brash with my words (as I can be much more blunt). However, as a representative for GLU, I believe glueadmin may have been a bit condescending by saying, "If you have questions about the purpose of these forums, please see the announcement posted on every page: http://ggnbb.glu.com/announcement.php?f=14". He could have easily rephrased this to, "Please refer to the following announcement for any additional information: http://ggnbb.glu.com/announcement.php?f=14 and feel free to ask any further unanswered questions". I was not surprised that he closed the thread, probably believing since he gave a deterring answer that that's sufficient. I could be wrong but it seems to be the most plausible reason. Anyways, I have taken screenshots of this post and will continue to take screenshots with every additional response in case this post magically "disappears".

To gluadmin: Not everyone will take your words lightly. I hope you proofread your responses several times before posting them or at the least editing them when needed. Besides, drafts are auto-saved so no need to post right away.
Once a Fella, Always a Fella.
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