
Add more tournament types

RentocRentoc Registered Users 286 Posts
We need more variation in tourneys. Fusion, evolution and endless are getting old really fast. Endless isnt too bad since you are actually playing the game and chance for loot is there. Fusion and evolution tourneys are utterly pointless and boring beyond belief. If you are going to put in a tourney at least make it engaging to the player. When you take away my gameplay time to pointlessly fuse items together and eat up my cash it is no longer fun. Keep the game fun.


1. Bring back the monster specific tourneys like the wolfman hunt.
2. Specific stage hunts. Points for completion.
3. Boss hunts. That should be a no brainer and in the cycle regularly.
4. Instead of making us spend our coins how about a tourney for collecting coins or even reagents. Something that would actually contribute to the overall game.
5. Offering tourney back in the cycle. That is a win win for you and the player. Brings in revenue for you and everyone can participate as long as daily quests are available to all.

Anyone else feel free to add ideas. Also if you are going to make top prizes so hard to obtain and get to at least make them worth it. Make it worth fighting for. Legendary items, pets, wings even soulshards would be nice to throw into the mix.



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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    Rentoc wrote: »
    We need more variation in tourneys. Fusion, evolution and endless are getting old really fast. Endless isnt too bad since you are actually playing the game and chance for loot is there. Fusion and evolution tourneys are utterly pointless and boring beyond belief. If you are going to put in a tourney at least make it engaging to the player. When you take away my gameplay time to pointlessly fuse items together and eat up my cash it is no longer fun. Keep the game fun.


    1. Bring back the monster specific tourneys like the wolfman hunt.
    2. Specific stage hunts. Points for completion.
    3. Boss hunts. That should be a no brainer and in the cycle regularly.
    4. Instead of making us spend our coins how about a tourney for collecting coins or even reagents. Something that would actually contribute to the overall game.
    5. Offering tourney back in the cycle. That is a win win for you and the player. Brings in revenue for you and everyone can participate as long as daily quests are available to all.

    Anyone else feel free to add ideas. Also if you are going to make top prizes so hard to obtain and get to at least make them worth it. Make it worth fighting for. Legendary items, pets, wings even soulshards would be nice to throw into the mix.


    Those first four don't help Glu make money. Therefore they don't use them anymore.....
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    RentocRentoc Registered Users 286 Posts
    Please dont troll and contribute nothing to the post. You gotta have better things to do. And of course they want to make money. They have put their time and effort into a product that i enjoy playing. I would have happily paid for this game and i have bought gems. My post is not to question their greed but to try and keep the game from being stale with the same tourneys and goals repeated over and over. Keep the game fresh and entertaining and i will happily contribute to their efforts to keep improving the game.
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