
What Is Going On?

The super admin stated that these forums are for people to help each other and to submit a support ticket if an issue could not wait. He also claimed support tickets could take up to 48 hours to respond. The jist of the general announcement is that they are under-staffed and can't help with much. I have personally sent in several support tickets, most of which took 2 weeks or longer before I received a response. All of which told me they couldn't help since I was on a rooted phone (even though rooting/jailbreaking of phones are LEGAL). Even if all the admins cannot reply to all of the posts made on these forums, it should raise a flag for you if dozens of players are having the same issue.

My particular reason for this post is about the Beast offerings update. Android has yet to receive said update. We were told the update would come for Android on 2/28 at ??:00. It is now 3/3. The least you could do is at least TELL us what is going on. I would not mind a delay if you told us WHY the update is being delayed. Also, there are players saying the new update does NOTHING for high gs players except new wings or pets, both of which are strictly for vanity. If you're going to put out an update at least make it so high gs players can advance. linpan made a very convincing post under the new update forum post (page 14). Most of GLU's problems regarding EW3 can be resolved by HIRING SOME EXTRA PAIR OF HANDS whether it be in development, customer service, technical support, etc. We need you guys to respond in a timely manner.

I've said this before but when you accepted you position as admins you also accepted certain responsibilities. I'm not trying to be ungrateful. I can't possibly code a game even one percent as good but when you get to be this big in the apps gaming community, you need to hold a high standard. Bring this up to the higher-ups. Make it known to them that everything their doing is sub-par and i'm being generous when I say that. If you don't know their contact information, find it. Stop waiting for things to be handed down. I'm sure they know the most pressing issues but the phrase, "out of site, out of mind" comes at play here. Badger the heck out of them with our problems. They will eventually respond out of sheer annoyance.

I'm sure the easiest way to hire extra hands is to actually hire community volunteers instead of just posting that you're looking for some so you all should start there. This is one example of initiative we desperately need. At this point we want results, not actions because clearly there seems to be a lack of the latter. I'm starting to rant so I'll stop here but I will not hesitate to write another essay if needs be.
Once a Fella, Always a Fella.
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