

Kgb0804Kgb0804 Registered Users 5 Posts
You are a lousy bunch of liars. You specifically said that it would be easier to get rarer items form beast offerings. I gave 2700 gems (3 sets of 900) and not one **** gold or truly rare item. The items I got weren't even the ones displayed on the offering board (you seriously give out blue and purple garbage) You are a ****py bunch of business men/women....in any event ****s....when it clearly costs you nothing to give players who spend to participate better equipment. Yes the purpose of a business is to make money...but to also ensure customer satisfaction. And take a look around you and read the posts. There is not a whole lot. You cheated customers with false advertising. I wonder how many like minded people there are who have spent money with lousy results. Sooner or later you are going to get slapped with a class action suit.


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    DabsquatchDabsquatch Registered Users 9 Posts
    What level are you
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    ThinIceThinIce Registered Users 463 Posts
    Trolololol another victim of the idiot scam.
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    They never said there was a better CHANCE of getting items. They said they would OFFER better items. And they did what they said.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    DemonicDemonic Registered Users 167 Posts
    30 spins isn't guaranteed to get anything.
    I did 55 of the old jade forest and got nothing
    Did 55 of beast and only got 2 pheonixs.
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    nyjnnyjn Registered Users 151 Posts
    Somebody needs to figure out what a class action suit (or lawsuit in general) is.
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    Hagia SophiaHagia Sophia Registered Users 13 Posts
    Heh funny thing.
    They do sell their services in my country, and so our law apply... and, funny thing, these kind of sale would be considered illegal.

    I don´t think they will have a problem with this, cause ppl will not do much for a stupid game, but still it would be considered illegal for lack of information. Here, one can sell-provide random services or sale... but the chance of each random possibility must be strictly infirmed and public for the consumer... so those roulettes, no way.
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