
Harder boss, mobs and slow gameplay

FyuryFyury Registered Users 5 Posts
Yesterday, i can farm the hell boy and do leveling on other maps, but now it becomes tough all the boss and also the mini boss. It takes so long to kill the boss especially the hell boy, i can't kill him now even i already have a rune lightning damage is it imbalance or normally for this update?
Even so, selling items it takes 1 sec per sell unlike before you can sell all the items without any delay and not laggy.
It is all based on my experienced while im playing this game. Thank you.


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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    It's my experience too.

    I have a green lightning rune on a murdermaker and it still takes 20 seconds+ to kill hellboy.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    Rego001Rego001 Registered Users 38 Posts
    Don't worry it's gets easier the more money you throw at the game.
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    ThinIceThinIce Registered Users 463 Posts
    Rego001 wrote: »
    Don't worry it's gets easier the more money you throw at the game.

    Hmm and it's Glu Mobile that we're talking about. Coincidence?
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