
TOUR REWARDS- problems and suggested fixes

KaufmeatKaufmeat Registered Users 63 Posts
I see three main issues with tour rewards:

1) They just stink now...Why not just make the prizes closer to what they were before? I can tell you players will appreciate it!

2) A major issue is also how tiny the difference in guild prizes are between tiers after the top two spots- top ten vs top 25 = 1 rune token and 5 iron tokens is not at all in line with the effort needed to finish too ten; same with top 25 and top 50. And there really should be a better individual prize for #501-1000- the difference in effort between 501 and 5000 is way too significant to give all those players the same prize.

3) I think the tier 8 prizes for the top two inevitably creates a situation where the top players all gravitate to two guilds; which two guilds those are has fluctuated so somewhat since the game started, but it has come down to 1 or two guilds dominating with the other guilds way behind. I think a great answer to this would be Better prizes for, say #3-5 and maybe increasingly better prizes for each spot. This would make the tours feel more competitive and fun for the 99+% of players who aren't in the top two guilds. I know the #2 guild broke up recently, so there has been more competition lately but the #1 guild hasn't had had any Real competition in quite a while. I'm not ragging on 1United, but again thats just 50 players out of thousands. And the rest of us resent, not the fact that 1U wins all the time, but that it is impossible to even compete with them. Just as frustrating is the fact that the #3-10 guild spots are effectively all a tie for 3rd, as the prizes are all the same.

More and better competition in tours means more excitement and more happy players!


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    bryblunbryblun Registered Users 148 Posts
    I agree, there should be more distincion. Something like 1, 2, 3-5, 5-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-100, 100-250, 250-500 etc...
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    100% agree.

    Although since Moloch closed the other thread on rewards, i don't think glu really cares.

    But hey, winning the 300 million dollar lottery is possible too right?

    All kidding (or rather, bitter truth) aside, tournaments are really no longer important. Just place top fifty for guild and top 500 for player. The 2-3 runes for top 100/player and top 10/guild just isn't worth losing your time.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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