
Endless Mode Dead!!!!! (Android)

bidsybidsy Registered Users 75 Posts
Since update before last.....

Endless drops horrific.

Crashes after atleast the second full round guaranteed!, no matter what level you start on.

I have done endless now 3 weeks straight and only 1 godly fortitude.....and prolly 8 dp shards.

The same goes for almost ALL android users.

Glu...... might as well remove endless, as no one bothers to play it anymore, due to the previous reasons. If ur not gonna fix it....remove it.

I wonder if you all realize just how much all your loyal players hate your companies tactics?

Change your name from glu to greed.

I wish we all could get together and black out glu for atleast 1 day.

Maybe then you all would hurt so bad financially in one day, youd fix all the bulls***.

Your loyal 4200.00 payer to date.

Guild: -=WOLFPACK=-


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