
Simple question regarding pvp awards.

Floyd99Floyd99 Registered Users 70 Posts
So there is now a shorter weekend only pvp tourney. The rewards went down to "bring them in line with the shorter season". Shouldnt they have actually done the opposite & RAISED them since naturally theyre harder to get? Or at the very least stay the same? Due to runners & other pansies taking the fun out of pvp, the gems were the only thing that made me play. Now I get half the gems for substantial more effort. That doesn't make sense, other than, you guessed it-cash grab. Id like some other players thoughts here please.


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    revitrevit Registered Users 245 Posts
    there's not really anything else to say haha, it's exactly as you put it. I guess they were loosing too much money from the few gems we were getting from it :confused: . Being able to get the 1.5k and 2.5k ap for gems was a major thing to keep people in PVP.

    ....at least I haven't seen any hackers yet since update.
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    Mohamed97Mohamed97 Registered Users 350 Posts
    I didn't play a pvp match since rewards nerfing
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