
Isn't it past time for a nerf?

Back when runes were first implemented and farmable bosses become "not farmable" that situation only lasted for a few weeks before changes were implemented. Now we've been going on for quite some time with a boss who is next to impossible to beat with a 12.4k gs rocking 30% fire dmg and 45% ice resist without the need of at least 1 health pot and 1 revive. And yes mages can do it easily with those kind of numbers however monks are at a severe disadvantage with that encounter. To date I've had about 12-15 downs with 2 wondrous items and a few reagents to show for it with a 405% iif. Somethings seriously wrong in my opinion. Seems like if I want to progress I need a mod and that just ain't right because I refuse to stoop to that level!


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    alreadyusedalreadyused Registered Users 7 Posts
    Actually, thanks to the frogs video queen is much easier now.....still too hard for the average player though
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    SirDiGiTaLSirDiGiTaL Registered Users 627 Posts
    Actually, thanks to the frogs video queen is much easier now.....still too hard for the average player though

    It's an endgame boss atm, not meant to be easy for the average player. We in our Guild and I know other Guilds have been killing her without any pots or revives with the gs stats you have since second day she was out including with monks. So if people can´t kill her even with good gear/runes it´s something else then the boss being to hard.

    And as you typed yourself, you Watch a video and all of a sudden it is easier now. How come you couldn't figure out the tactic yourself without watching a video but instead complain the boss is to hard and wanting a nerf?

    I´m sorry if I´m being to harsh but I´m really getting annoyed when some players complain as soon as there is a challenge instead of trying to master whatever the challenge is like everyone else.

    And again its the toughest boss in game right now, if every skilless player could kill he without using pots then what would be the Point in having potions or revives in the game.

    What sux about her is the drop rate of reagents, not that all T9 is available and the Tower shared energy system.
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