
Wizard has deleted

FeohWizardFeohWizard Registered Users 4 Posts
Hi dear support. So sorry for my English. I'm from Azerbaijan / and playing Eternity Warrior 6 months.
Today after update eternity warrior 3 > 3.0 i can't join in game with my wizard. I have monk 36 level in "Legendary game" after i open wizard and playing with her normally. But after update my wizard level 1 and writing You need to go through mountains Ivor. I'm killing boss with my monk evertytime after reloging don't have results.

Please help me.

Nickname: FeohWizard

Thank you.

Best regards,


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    VynklaireVynklaire Registered Users 2 Posts
    I also have the same issue with you buddy... I already sent GLU a ticket but havent received their response... Hope Glu will solve this issue ASAP
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