
Network Error around Damon Event Time

Hi Guys,

Yesterday I played EW3 on Android JP Server. And about 10 minutes before Damon Event, I was faced with "Network Error Retry?" in Markavia.
I Retried again and again. But App showed only "Network Error Retry"...

And at last, about 4 HOURS after, I've played EW3 again...

I think Glu stop Damon Event JUST NOW.

EW3 development team has no capability of network performance monitoring and optimizing AWS settings.

Until the implementation of Damon Event, EW3 players all over the world play on their convenient time. It works for server load distribution.

But now, access all over the world to EW3 server is concentrated around Damon Event Time. And Glu's Network Engineer don't optimize AW3 settings. So we are faced with the "Network Error Retry?" problem.

This is the 4th time that I have been faced this problem in this week...

Glu mobile is accountable to us, all the EW3 players as to the so many troubles causing by their development team.

Where is their apologies for their fatal error? Where is their public statements about that?
衰弱堂 / SuiJackDo
Guild Leader of HAGESUI, Android JP Guild
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