
Jade Forest

branaelbranael Registered Users 17 Posts
I keep hearing about Jade Forest this and Jade Forest that. How the f do I get there? Do I have to beat the first map in legendary mode first?


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    TraineluTrainelu Registered Users 482 Posts
    No, you just have to learn to read. There are a lot of topics on that.
    Jade Forest and Spirit Bridge are some areas (boss levels) that appears from time to time (to be specific when Glu consider introducing them) on your map. If you haven't finished at least legendary mode even if JF or SB appears they will not help you in any way.
    L.E.: JF is likely to be back for Chinese New Year.
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    branaelbranael Registered Users 17 Posts
    Thanks for the snide remark. I appreciate it, new guy here just asking for an answer that I couldn't find.
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    TraineluTrainelu Registered Users 482 Posts
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