
Desperate - How to backup your data to prevent starting over when reset factory.

Since I seem to be the only one who is having the application suddenly just close out while playing. So I am getting desperate to the point of backing up what I can and reset my IPOD Touch 5 back to factory specs then reinstalling EW3. My big question is how do I accomplish this without having to start all over once again?

Do I simply backup my ipod to the cloud restore the settings and reinstall?

If someone could please walk me through this I would greatly appreciate it.

**One thing you don't do under any circumstance is uninstall the game thinking a reinstall will resolve your problem will only make it worse if you don't have a full backup with itunes or another 3rd party program such as syncios you will start back to level 1 if you do.**

If you do use syncios I would recommend copying everything in the file system. I was unable to determine which files relate to EW3 or my other programs.

Thank you.
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