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  • The problem with this is it removes the exclusivity or rarity of the soulshards. This would mean that any noob could farm eyes for a few hours and transmute to have enough hearts and shards for a max upgrade. The final upgrade is, and should be, hard to attain, otherwise the whole game would become too easy.
  • I came to the forums and logged in to make this exact thread/suggestion. There are confirmations for most actions that irreversibly remove (or add) some form of currency from you-- offerings, selling, fusions, evolution, etc., so why would there not be a confirmation for this? I had 71 from just playing the game, watching…
  • Don't give up bro, it's a really challenging game, and the progress is heavily tied to gear, which is very difficult to acquire. It requires a bit of luck (to get the right gear and reagents to evolve), a lot of skill to avoid taking damage as much as possible, and a ton of persistence to stick with fighting and losing to…
  • Down it goes again
  • You won't understand it's true power until you try it like this: :D
  • Hey Sean-- glad to help! Sorry I had to leave after a couple rounds, I'm at work so it's kinda hard to get away with playing EW2 ;)
  • I have a little bit of thunder resist, but if you're going to neglect any element resist, it should be thunder as it is the least common element to be attacked with (currently). But yeah keep fire, ice, and poison around the same. My recommendation is this: get all wyrm armor, and get your fire and ice resist up first (a…
  • Breaker just does a lot more damage overall, regardless of crit and regardless of the general's helm. Something in the way the damage is calculated for 2-handed weapons versus dual wielded 1-handed weapons, especially with skills like parry and charge.
  • The best way is to practice and learn it yourself, it's hard to explain exactly when to hit the block button. Equip a weak weapon (with around 500-1000 attack or so) and play shivering refuge 10. There is a darkness warrior (attacks similar to the cobra lords), and there is a Minotaur guy right after him. So it's a good…
  • Also to note, I have a pretty good technique utilizing the high crit breaker with the general helm, I want you to try it on your 3x14%/2x20% and see how it works! Dash->Spin->Normal atk->Dash->Spin->Normal atk etc etc. The normal attack breaks the combo, allowing you to dash/spin again immediately after, killing stuff way…
  • K_otic said it, but yeah the best possible for breaker is 14% on crit chance, 20% on crit damage. On mystery axe the max is 7% for crit chance and 16% for crit damage. So for a maxed mystery axe you could do 35% crit chance, or you could do 80% increased crit damage, or a mixture thereof. K_otic, you're saying that 70%…
  • Happens to me sometimes too. I think it's a bug that occurs when your inventory is full and the game thinks you have no room for the elements.
  • Yes, all attacks and skills crit, and the chance is on a per-hit basis. In other words, when you dash at an enemy at a close range, it hits them like 5 times and each of those hits have a chance to crit.
  • Yeah, it has 14, 13, 14, 14, 13, total of 68% increase. It hits hard and crits often, and with the General Helm it's very hard to run out of rage.
  • Mystery Axe Numbers: Pure crit: effective damage = 6892 Pure damage: effective damage = 6220 Looks like I will be hitting the Mystery Box for another axe so I can make a pure crit one! Long story short, I think I answered my own question that I had at the beginning of this thread, and that answer is: get crit chance bonus,…

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