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  • they sell a turkey gun for 40k and then quite a bit to upgrade it but its only good up to region 3 an its a single shot weapon
  • Where do u find that info
  • yup I got the update and its only a few hundred $ more earned in the turkey hunt than the other hunts and you need a shotgun that cant be got unless you use gold. the biggest gun you can get(with hunt $ and not gold) fully upgraded is not big enough to shoot turkeys in the higher regions.
  • I got the update and its only a few hundred $ more earned in the turkey hunt than the other hunts and you need a shotgun that cant be got unless you use gold. the biggest gun you can get(with hunt $ and not gold) fully upgraded is not big enough to shoot turkeys in the higher regions.
  • that's pretty cool. I don't have any assault rifle or pistols asi have nit needed them and many are of no use on the higher regions/levels but its cool that you have them all
  • In the earlier levels I would do things like watch videos for free gold so i could use the hunting call to continue and keep the count on kills u already have in that level. you can move on and just do stuff that builds cash until the next region is ready
  • I don't have any assault rifles but don't they fire faster and I know the reload rate on the shotguns ( at least ones i have) are very quick and most of the rifles with full ammo upgrades give me plenty of shells to kill what I need to without reloading at all if I don't miss a ton lol
  • yes ii do all the hunts and i just use the shotgun for all bear/wolf/wolverine/bird hunts and sometimes elk and rifle for everything else and just accept the challenge when i choose to do a hunt with a gun that is not recommended
  • wish I could help but no clue..a buddy of mine is stuck on region three and has been for weeks and he has done every hunt a zillion times
  • I have a region 5 shotgun and a region 6 rifle both maxed out and I have not bought one single pistol or assault rifle at all for any level. A region 5 shotgun maxed out will kill most of the wolf/bear/bird and even some other levels in region 7. you are right if I shoot big ben in the head I get 4927$ and if do one of the…
  • I spent about 400k getting through 6. Well I'm still on 6 building cash in the trophy hunts no sense closing out the best money maker until I absolutely have to lol
  • I'm just sitting around region 6 trophy hunt earning 5k a pop and building cash for 7 lol
  • I been playing region 6 on my iPhone for a couple weeks now.
  • Go back into upgrades ad highlight each upgrade again because that happened to me once.. and the problem was I thought I was fully upgraded and I was not. The reason why was because when u highlight an upgrade it tells u what it cost and also how much the percent of that upgrade will go up. Some upgrades just highlight the…
  • Working fine so far on my iPhone and I play with the volume off so would not know the difference if sound was messed up. I'm using a region 5 shotgun for much of my Hunting so far because for all bear and wolf just wait for them to get close and jump in the air then blast them.i got and fully uploaded a region 6 rifle…
  • im at 150k right now myself
  • I made it through all regions/levels that are currently available without spending any of my own money so not sure why you were/are having issues
  • Ty for your speedy reply
  • I was already on region five and did not buy or upgrade any pistols along the way and seeing how it takes awhile and costs a lot to upgrade guns as you move on to higher levels I'm saving my cash for region six so I won't be dropping back and playing any of them
  • Is that even possible seeing you can't download the next region until you clear the one you are currently on
  • Take your time and try different guns on different region/hunts people are clearing it so its obvious that it is possible. Wait till you get to region 5 and you have to shoot 4-5 running deer with s heart shot and it takes the first few seconds just to find them so once you shoot the first the rest take off and you have to…
  • So no estimated timeline on region 6 ? I have completed 5 have biggest guns with over 100k in my account and really no reason to bounce back to other levels other than build up my account fir region 6 guns. Also will ever be able to sell current guns or use them in trades for bigger guns or more upgrades. Thank you I love…
  • I would love it because I have s ton of time and money invested in guns and upgrades I can't use anymore unless I play region one again and I'm not about to do that

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