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  • So i got a new update and had to dwnload the regions again and the pistol series in 9 is complete and my 7 region pistol series is right where it was before things went awry. My beef is that i never got a single platinum eagle or reward of anykind so far for any of these special series hunts!!!! Stupid stupid stupid!!! Is…
    in New update Comment by Inkdup March 2014
  • So I deleted the file mentioned above in this thread and relaunched the game. Downloaded every region in order thru to 9 and no pistol hunts in 7 or 9 appeared. But my completed rare hunts in 3 4 and 5 are back. Downloaded the lost temple region and alls good there but no pistol hunts yet . I'm choked!!!!!
    in New update Comment by Inkdup March 2014
  • Galaxy S4 4.4.2
    in New update Comment by Inkdup March 2014
  • I finished region 9 pistol hunts ..with the weapons of my choice no less ...got no reward and when i was on mission 20 of region 7 pistol hunt series with the same weapon choice freedoms..which i thought was strange but wasnt deterred ...refilled my energy and both pistol hunt series just disapeared! Can anyone tell me…
    in New update Comment by Inkdup March 2014

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