
lucky langoustine some episodes in season 1 and 2 impossible to serve all customers

No matter how I try, I can't serve all customers at LL in few episodes season 1 and 2. I have all my restaurant decor upgrades to full, with 3 slots of VIPs. For example, season 1 episode 10, I use food thermometer, tasting spoon and fast feet for VIP slots, there are 29 customers to serve in 1:50, but the customer's coming rate is quite slow, so I can't finish them all even with the happy hours. My speed is faster than Frenzy flare, so I don't even bother to use it in the game, I collect money as soon as the customer is served to get more new customer coming in, but still can't serve all customers. I managed to get all gold 5 stars from season 3 to 6 but failed to do so in early episodes. Anyone got all gold 5 stars in these episodes (season 1 and 2) or this is a technical bug in the game?


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    LockisbettaLockisbetta Registered Users 74 Posts
    How do you have 29 customers in season 1 episode 10 of LL? I have all decor upgraded except for happy hour, statue (level 3 of 4) and flowers and I only need to serve 18. With all decor upgrades maxed I'd need to serve 23.

    Otherwise try the extra time VIP boost, it adds 7 seconds each time he appears.
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    SupremeFettucineSupremeFettucine Registered Users 443 Posts
    I have to agree with Lockisbetta, that may be just too many customers to serve -- especially with the short clock in early seasons. LL, it seems unanimous, is the most difficult venue in which to earn 5star gold status but your problem is unique!

    As far as suggestions: Since you're stuck on the early seasons, if you're not grilling or seasoning much, swap out temp or spoon for morsel magnet. You didn't mention how many of those 29 diners you CAN serve. As Lockisbetta wrote, extra time boost is helpful but only triggers +7 seconds if Lon enters (sometimes he eats 2-3 times but sometimes not at all); you may need more than those few secs you might get given short clock. The new morsel magnet boost will help speed things up for the whole duration. Also, try to learn the pattern of meal orders and advance prep them when you have a free second. You'd probably benefit from splurging on both warming stations, if you haven't already, so you can cook and hold items you know will be needed soon (I generally cook extras in advance but don't season them until order is placed but fully finishing items might work better for other ppl; it really depends on whether or not seasoning stations are already in use). Use the Frenzy that accumulates during play when things get hairy. Finally, I'm assuming you have the autochef -- that's pretty crucial as well (although I wish they'd add a toggle for it so owners could challenge themselves without it at will).

    For perspective, and as I've written elsewhere, for me to finish the LL s6e10 episode in gold, it took 24 regular customers plus the same 3 VIP boosts you're already using, plus a free Happy Hour event and weeks of practice, drilling that episode during Free Play events. Furthermore, I'm only now, ~6 months later, beginning to be able to complete that episode, serving 24 regular diners without any VIP boosts or other advantages, and a lot of that is because I've learned the pattern of the meal orders. You're facing 29 plus VIPs on a much shorter clock! On the bright side, you probably don't need to serve apps in those early seasons. :)

    Conversely, in PP, I upgraded customer-adding decor far too early and unnecessarily so I have 28 customers to serve in s6e10, plus VIPs. Even though it's a far easier venue (no appetizers or desserts!), I could barely accomplish it, even with a Happy Hour. Lesson learned!

    So, in the future, try to upgrade decor slowly and only as needed. The tip-increasers are the only ones I always upgrade fully, upgrading counter as needed, and the various patience-givers mostly minimally. VIPs give much higher tips than the regular customers so they're beneficial in helping achieve gold-rank objectives, even without their awesome superpowers! And earning gold sequentially throughout the seasons will help avoid this situation in which you currently find yourself because the game adds its own customers as you progress, additional to the ones you add by upgrading decor. Add too many too early and by s5-6, things will get brutal! If you ever need to earn more coins to nab gold, stick with fully upgrading food and equipment upgrades (coin and speed increases are both helpful but if your bank balances are small yet you need to earn more coins, you could focus on those few equipment dispensers which add more coins per serving). In my experience, those upgrades bring in more coinage overall than adding individual regular diners and they're more likely to ease play rather than bogging it down.

    - SuFe718
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    Two2Two2 Registered Users 67 Posts
    I'd agree with SuFe - give it a try with the new magnet boost, maybe with the food flinger then you'll hardly need to move at all . The third should be the seasoning spoon I think because you only have one seasoning station. That and maybe plus a happy hour event as well might get you through.
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    SahasraSahasra Registered Users 9 Posts
    Thank you all for the wonderful tips! I have no idea why I got 29 customers for s1e10, even in s1e4 I have to serve 25 customers in 1:20 with 3 VIP slots filled. (I wanted to upload the screen shots but don't know how :( ) I tried the suggestion using magnet, flinger and extra time, or magnet, food thermometer and extra time, but still failed, when I hit happy hours there were still 8 customers to go. Having 25 customers in 1:20, the customer's showing speed is way too slow. At last, I decided to try playing it with no VIP, and guess what, I finally turned s1e4 gold! This gives me some hope, I'll keep trying with other episodes in season 1. I also read somewhere saying that upgrading the decor too early will bring way too many customers in early episodes, but the upgrades are already done at LL, hard lesson learned. I will definitely take it slow to upgrade the decor from now on.
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    LockisbettaLockisbetta Registered Users 74 Posts
    Nice, you'll get there. As for decor, you really only need three decor items:
    - Counter for eat speed (they eat and leave quicker)
    - Table & Table centrepiece (increased tips)

    Don't bother with the rest, patience isn't an issue once your appliances are upgraded. Go for quality over quantity and get food upgrades instead of the other decor upgrades :).
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    SupremeFettucineSupremeFettucine Registered Users 443 Posts
    @SAHASRA- Congrats and good luck! :)

    - SuFe718
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