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  • I too use an iPad and for the past several weeks, the game crashes on me. The crashes happen when the duel is loading. The crashes never happen while the duel is underway. It's very unpredictable of when the crashes will happen. Sometimes I can duel, but sometimes I cannot. I currently have a love-hate relationship with…
  • Yes, I'm also experiencing this problem on my Ipad Mini
  • Is anyone experiencing issues with the Wishelin inspector whereby he does not show up despite the countdown? I logged onto the game earlier and the inspector was shown to arrive in 10 mins. I decided to go take a shower in the mean time. After I logged back into the game, the countdown reset to "2 days 4 hours". It did not…
  • I use an iPad mini and am not very tech savvy. I went to "Settings" and then scrolled down on the left column to select "Privacy". I then scrolled down on the right column to select "Advertising". Simply turn off the "Limit Ad Tracking" and problem solved. Hope that helps! =)
  • It's good to hear from our Moderator again! I think the best way to go about dealing with this split of opinions is to give both sides what they want. Make it possible for us to combine food items so that we can serve two food items to a customer using one hand AND make it possible for us to serve items individually to…
  • Yes, it did help! Problem solved. Thanks!
  • The market is working again... sort of.
  • Nice post. With respect to crashes, I don't often experience them. I only had one day in which it was happening frequently, which was almost unbearable. Fortunately, it got better the next day. (iPad user) Yes, the market is currently buggy. At present, all I see are the standard overinflated market prices which are always…
  • With respect to crashes, it's probably just an iPad problem then. Update: The crashes are still happening, though not nearly as frequently as yesterday nor the day before. The game might crash 1 out of 5 times I initiate a dual or play a regular episode at a venue, but that's way better than crashing 9 out of 10 times as…
  • I agree about the setback of not being able to play offline while at work. It does lead to the issue of some players giving up on the game because they'll fall further and further behind those who are able to stay connected. Another issue that I've been having after the recent update is frequent crashes. I use an Ipad to…

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