
Kim Kardashian Summer Update Not Working

Marla1234Marla1234 Registered Users 1 Posts
I went on Kim Kardashian Hollywood today as I haven't been on it for a while because I'm on level 22 and there wasn't any new tasks and there was a summer update where I could do 3 photo shoots and unlock new clothing items and I could complete new tasks now where as before I had none. I played on the game for a while and then went off it and I have just reopened the game now and it hasn't resumed from where I left it, the update has gone and it's taken me back to where I was before I could do any of the new summer update tasks and all the hair styles and new accessories have gone and I can't get my game to go back to how it was! I've tried turning my phone off and on and I haven't had any luck and nothing is working! Please help and why has this happened?


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    KyuKyu Registered Users 2 Posts
    Marla1234 wrote: »
    I went on Kim Kardashian Hollywood today as I haven't been on it for a while because I'm on level 22 and there wasn't any new tasks and there was a summer update where I could do 3 photo shoots and unlock new clothing items and I could complete new tasks now where as before I had none. I played on the game for a while and then went off it and I have just reopened the game now and it hasn't resumed from where I left it, the update has gone and it's taken me back to where I was before I could do any of the new summer update tasks and all the hair styles and new accessories have gone and I can't get my game to go back to how it was! I've tried turning my phone off and on and I haven't had any luck and nothing is working! Please help and why has this happened?

    The exact same thing has happened to me! I am at level 22 as well, and after leaving the app for a while, I returned and my progress has been thrown off. The EXACT SAME THING has happened. It's really frustrating, and now I can't get past this stage. The storyline seems frozen. All I can do are random jobs/dates over and over. I lost my new clothing/accessories simply by leaving the game for a few hours. Can anyone help?! I keep seeing this one task even though I completed it ages ago, and the game won't let me complete it again. So I'm just stuck!

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