
gold coins

Jenna BeckJenna Beck Registered Users 35 Posts
I bought gold coins last night $4.99 for a hundred. And I used 50 of them, and today I have 18 left.. what's up with that? This is the 3rd time it has happened. The first time I thought it was just a mistake so I ordered $19.99 worth.. and the next day l, even though I only used 90 of them, I only had 8 left. I'm wondering does your company often do this to its loyal customers?? PLEASE HELP!


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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    There are a bunch of missing details we will need. Be sure to send in a ticket through the game and include when this occurred, what was purchased, which game, and which account. Once we have all the information we can look into where the coins were spent.
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    Jenna BeckJenna Beck Registered Users 35 Posts
    Like I know what any of that **** is. I should have known there would be some sort of b.s. jam up to avoid paying me back. Lesson learned.. I have spent hundreds of dollars on this game, but won't spend another dime. Thieves!!
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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    If you do not know which game you are playing or which account you are playing on it will certainly make it more difficult to assist you.
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    TheamysligerTheamysliger Registered Users 1 Posts
    Do you always reply to upset customers with such condescension and disdain? Wow.
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    Tony LewisTony Lewis Registered Users 9 Posts
    Hello I'm having the same problem, I play Robocop and the level up coins can't get past 16. I have purchased the small package twice are three times, bought the $40 suit maybe the $50. Even after leveling up many of times and get to 17 as I continue to play I notice the gold coins goes back down to 16 can someone please tell me what all information I need so I can receive my coins are refund. I believe I'm missing close to 100 because I'm a gamer and I pray RoboCop day and night. I know I'm on the gun for tier five but I'm not sure what level that's maybe 20s are the 30s but I kno I'll be up there in the high level THANKS. Not to mention this my second time playing Robocop and getting ripped off because the first time still was having those problem and it loading slow after clearing the data it took me always back down to number one
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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    Be sure to send in a ticket Tony and we can look into it for you. https://glumobile.helpshift.com/a/robocop/
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    Tony LewisTony Lewis Registered Users 9 Posts
    I'm Sorry for the late response and Thanks for replying back. You just loss me now when you mention send in tickets. Meaning ?? I'm new with doing things here I Just Love Playing Games.
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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    If you go to the page I linked there is a contact us button where you can submit the ticket so one of the reps who works on that game can assist you. Wait times are very long at the moment but we will get to it as soon as we can.
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    Tony LewisTony Lewis Registered Users 9 Posts
    Hello again I'm really having problems logging in there. When i login with name and the password that's already here then it take me to the link here but when I submit my question it keep taking me invalid token. What am I doing wrong because I'm Getting Pssd written my problems down three times and its kind of long hit submit then that happens, HEEELP PLEASE THANKS AGAIN
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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    There isn't a login on that page. You may have something else on your computer blocking your access.
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    Tony LewisTony Lewis Registered Users 9 Posts
    Man man man I'm constantly having problems I would click the link to say contact fill in my full name, my email the description of the problem and once I click submit keep telling me oops something please try to reload and try again and I write a lot because I experience those problems
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    Eck172Eck172 Registered Users 1 Posts
    I have been playing deer hunter, am level 28 now, on my droid turbo. I haven't received one single gold coin since I loaded the game on my phone. And have completed many many many bounties, each one of those gives gold coins for a reward. I haven't seen one. Sent in a notice well over a week ago to customer care through the app and haven't received the slightest bit of help. Got to be the worst customer "care" I have ever dealt with!!!
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    Tony LewisTony Lewis Registered Users 9 Posts
    Two days Later and I have a received a response to my last question August 21st about missing gold coins. I'm also in a moment is getting ready to spend some more money to buy another gold pack deal but I don't want to lose those coins also by my gold coins keep dropping back down to 16 PLEASE HELP ME OUT SOMEONE THANKS, AGAIN
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    TommyGTommyG Registered Users 1 Posts
    Hi Glu first off I enjoy play zombies ate my friends but I just brought 210 gold for 4.99 like 20mins ago and I still haven't received my gold
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    Jenna BeckJenna Beck Registered Users 35 Posts
    I have bought more COINS, gold ones again and you ****ers took my money again. Nothing but loser thieves!!
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    bosssbosss Registered Users 3 Posts
    Those who has any problems let me know I can fix the issue
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    Tony LewisTony Lewis Registered Users 9 Posts
    Hello I just want to say on Robocop for the last few days my coins have been doing okay. I shocked to say that my gold coins has reach 30 and it seems like everything is going okay and they continue to add up when they supposedly do and I have yet not loss any as of about a week ago and they kept going back down to 16 after I level up, beat missions to earn them are when I buy them. I just hate that I can be replaced all the ones that I loss and I know there was plenty I loss I can't even get reimburse. ITS CRAZY WE CAN'T BE REIMBURSED WHAT WE LOSS THAT'S JUST A RIP OFF
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