
Old Tap Sports

coreyml1coreyml1 Registered Users 1 Posts
After building a good team and spending money on the in app purchases, my game doesn't load properly. It continues to get stuck on the load screen and never gets past it. I uninstalled the game, and got back in one time. It will not let me be my previous username which means I lost my players and things I spent money on. I'm still getting game requests under my old one though. Has anyone dealt with these kind of issues?


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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    Most of our games if you lose access to the account you will not be able to recover it. If you have submitted a ticket we will see what we can do though.
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    Whiner16Whiner16 Registered Users 5 Posts
    [RR] Sage wrote: »
    Most of our games if you lose access to the account you will not be able to recover it. If you have submitted a ticket we will see what we can do though.

    Hi, was wondering if Glu would be able to help me get my account back for tap baseball 2016? I got a new phone and when I open the app with google it pretends I'm a new user, I was at ace level and in the group big bats 18, google couldn't help me and this is my last choice before starting all over again, thank you
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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    Submit a ticket, most of the time for tsbb 2016 we should be able to assist.
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    Whiner16Whiner16 Registered Users 5 Posts
    [RR] Sage wrote: »
    Most of our games if you lose access to the account you will not be able to recover it. If you have submitted a ticket we will see what we can do though.

    Thank You [RR] Sage I have started a ticket, thanks for the help.
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