

MishahMishah Registered Users 2 Posts
Umm In the kim kardashian game I paid $19.99 for the kim coins and they charged me $42.37 also I paid $9.99 for the same exact thing and they charged me $27.52 so my question is how can I get all the money back that was took out my account for no reason they double charged me for both and I only did it once and I would like to know if I can get my money back? They can keep the $19.99 and the $9.99 that was supposed to be taken out but I want my extra $10 and my extra $20 that was taken out my account🙄


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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,127 Posts
    Refunds or errors in the amount charged will have to go through the app store you purchased them through. So either Apple or Google will need to assist you with those.
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