
TSB17 Leveling up prime player to level 10 at diamon level will let you get jailed

marela520marela520 Registered Users 65 Posts
More and more people have the same problem.
Please help to check. I believe customer service has the kind of tickets queued.


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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,127 Posts
    Be sure to submit a ticket so they can investigate it.
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    marela520marela520 Registered Users 65 Posts
    It is an obvious program issue.

    Here is the finding from the same thread in the original URL.
    "IF your with a club and you cap your prime player, you will get instant jail, BUT, if you leave the club your in, Then cap your prime player/s... you won't get jailed."

    In the past month, many of us quit playing bcoz nobody including forum moderator or customer service cares about this issue.
    They only say we are all cheating.
    However if somebody provide how to reproduce this situation, Glu has obligation to investigate and making compensations.
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