
Still Waiting...3 Weeks Later And Not Fixed

FirstNoFirstNo Registered Users 3 Posts
This is going to come across as really snippy and I apologize because I know someone, some where, is trying to help, but I don't understand why it's taking 3 WEEKS to transfer my game from my old android tablet to my new android tablet. I have repeatedly emailed from my email account (as that's the account checked most often) and sent requests via the game from my old tablet and from the new one. I've included the start of the email message below. In a nutshell: your support team told me it would "take a while" to transfer every thing since I've been playing for a long time and the account was large. However, no one bothered to tell me the copy was in progress so I continued to play. When I finally received a notice to check if the account had transferred, I advised it 'sort of' had. Yes, there were things there, but every thing was 'off' (money, stars, fame, groceries, etc etc). I also advised that when I went into my 'friends' area, it asked for my player name. When I gave it, it told me that name all ready existed (yeah, no kidding). When I advised of this issues, I was told I shouldn't be playing on 2 separate vehicles as this could cause problems. Yeah, no kidding, WHICH IS WHY I WASN'T PLAYING ON THE NEW TABLET. So, I can't play under my name. I don't have any friends and no one can seem to understand that this still isn't fixed. I have repeatedly, on all venues, requested to do whatever needs to be done (wipe the game?) to transfer my play to the new tablet and I receive no response or I get a canned response that makes it very obvious the responder hasn't bothered to read what was typed. I very much enjoy the game and want to continue to play, but there seems to be a bunch of people who can't read and comprehend what's being asked and/or can't convey what I should be doing so it's taken care of. I'm hoping someone who has experience can please look into this matter and tell me what I'm supposed to do so I don't lose my name, ranking, friends, etc. Please, dumb this down for me. Thank you.

November 12, 2017, 03:46 -0500
Hello Player!

Thank you for your inquiry!

The only means of saving your progress in a 'cloud' environment is through syncing with Facebook.

However, I can help transfer your progress to your new device! All you have to do is, send two new tickets, one from your old device and another from your new device with the ticket link #1763479 for our reference.

Once we receive both the tickets we will find the savefile and restore it to your new device.

I am closing this ticket now and will look forward to your tickets.


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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    Many of our games are only saved on your device and only basic information is on the server. If we have to have the development team themselves help it can take quite some time for them to work it into a developers schedule which as you would suspect is already full with continuing the development of our games. If you already have an active ticket they should update you on the status. Just continue with the ticket you have open (don't keep opening new ones or it will confuse the process).
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    FirstNoFirstNo Registered Users 3 Posts
    I don't know that I have an active ticket. Once I told the CR it wasn't where it needed to be, I didn't hear any thing else. I ended up deleting the game from my new tablet, hoping it would pick back up where I had left off. That did nothing; just brought every thing back that was originally behind when I reinstalled, however I lost all of the previous conversation so I have no idea what that ticket number was. The only ticket number I have is the very first one I included in the above post. And I was told that was closed out once I replied on the new device with that ticket # (they created a new one). And, once again, "Mary" from customer care didn't send me the email I requested and responded on the new tablet. She wrote, "I would like to inform you that unfortunately, we cannot recover your progress from our end." Well, I know that's a lie because you were able to put my progress on the new tablet so, yes, you can recover it. At this point, it doesn't feel like any one in customer care has a clue as to what they're doing. So all I'm asking for now is to be able to sign in under my screen name (which I can't do as the new tablet keeps telling me that screen name is all ready taken...yes, it's mine!) and keep the 30 friends I've got. I'll pick up the play as it stands and wade through it. I did it before so what's another 3-4 weeks to get back to where I am? Again, I apologize for the snottiness, but it's extremely frustrating to have had this going on for close to a month and continually running into people who can't answer questions or send an email as requested. Life is frustrating enough and this game is one of my escapes which has turned into yet another frustrating experience. Any help you can provide would be most appreciated. Thank you.
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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    It looks like you have submitted 6 in the last week or so (based on the number you gave above) but there is one currently open. Just continue working with Mary
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    FirstNoFirstNo Registered Users 3 Posts
    I'd be happy to. Will someone tell her what she needs to work on with it since she doesn't seem to think there's any thing that can be done?
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