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  • So I have a bunch of credits on Dino hunter and D Day. I did change devices and had backed up the old device to iCloud. Now both games are hooped. The D day games has reset to the beginning and Dino hunter cannot even start. Now what??
  • So I downloaded region 8 but it only seems to have a rifle series??!! Did it load correctly for anyone else? I've finished what there was and collected two of the nine map pieces. Now what?
  • Yes I ripped through all 3 regions already. Looking forward to region 4 and hopefully more. Well back to my golf app I guess. Cheers
    in Weapons Comment by AvionicsMan June 2014
  • Well all guns really and all for gold and or cash. At a reduced rate obliviously. In the WGT golf app a good driver that you purchased for say 1000 of WGT credits say, resales for around 300-400. It would be smart for DH to offer same. It will just get spent back on the game anyway. Still win/win for the developer. I've…
    in Weapons Comment by AvionicsMan June 2014
  • I play WGT golf as well and they have the option of selling your old clubs as you upgrade to newer ones. I think it would be a good idea for the app as well. Thoughts?
    in Weapons Comment by AvionicsMan June 2014

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