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  • You call yourself a voice of reason but resort to uncalled for name calling?
  • In my first reply I clearly stated I had deleted the App. This is evidence your bank account must be superior to your reading comprehension. And please do not respond to what I have just stated by telling us how large your genitals are. Doing so will only highlight your propensity to dissimenate falsehoods. And what you…
  • Unless you have access to mine or Glu's financial records, you have no clue as to how much money I have invested in the game. For you to even suggest this further demonstrates... I will be nice and only say, for you to openly admit being a hack in a public Forum says volumes about your lack of concern for the overall…
  • @Bullet... there is nothing funny about the deceit you perpetrated, especially to players who spend(t) hard earned real cash towards trying to legitmately build a respectable team. Hackers like you is what made me delete the Tap Baseball Apps and move on to a game that offers a far more level playing field. Glu should not…
  • I think I will sooner find the Holy Grail. :D
  • You can also proactively look at the "rankings" list during an Event; start a game with the teams that have a "kazillion" points within the "first five minutes" and proceed to block them. Too bad there is no way to block an entire Club in one fell swoop. 
  • I hear you hits... but think of all the fun you will have buying tons of gold in the effort to catch up. LOL I am wondering how non-Canadians have installed the 2017 App. I have read that changing your country at the App store will do the trick but my App store asked for a "Canadian" credit card when I tried this. I will…
  • My quess is you be able to continue play with 2016 but not enjoy any of the "bells and whistles" that may come with 2017. On the bright side perhaps the playing field for the 2016 version, will be a little more level. That is to say, no more players/teams generating "millions" of points in the first five minutes of an…
  • @MrYank... so does that mean the leader of the weekend event already has eight million and 900 billion points generated? LOL My understanding is to switch to the Canadian App Store, it is necessary to remove any non-Canadian credit card info thereby eliminating the ability to purchase gold. Or can you simply re-add your…
  • That also is my question. Is there a "backchannel" or black market thriving here?
  • @Stamper101... I have had this happen to me but fortunately only about three or four times. It has occured during random and bonus games. The first time, I played the game and had my lunch taken. Each time thereafter, I quit the game before playing and blocked the player.
  • To those citing examples of how you can physically play many games in a very short period of time using Energy Boost... "D'oh" My understanding is you earn points based upon the number of games you win, not simply play. I am thinking in additon to heavily using Energy Boost, team(s) raking up absurb point totals, have Team…
  • You cannot do this. In 2017, you start from "scratch."
  • Then perhaps you can enlighten me? Or is posting insipid statements why you are here?
  • @Dodgersyankdoa... from what I have seen and experienced, as long as there are a sufficient number of new players who spend real money to offset the number of people who leave or stop playing, there is no incentive for practices to change. On a couple of occasions during yesterday's Sprint to Victory, I lost four out of…
  • Hello "Wayne..." Are you saying you are in a club which has 5,000+ Club Batting Boosts and over 4,000 Ice Wraps available to your disposal? If so, that certainly is a lot of "fire power..." at least in my book. I guess someone will say your "inventory" is small compared to some others. :)
  • You leave out one small fact... "winning" all of those games. I play it "straight" with a 4 star team. I have two five star players and one five star pitcher. The best run i have managed was 15 wins in a row. I used 4+ boost and ice wrap. In game 16 I was ramdomnly assigned a game where the team comparison was all red…

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